The Human Skeletal System

The human skeletal system is comprised of 206 bones. Many of the bones form moving joints. There are also several hundred miles of muscles, ligaments, and tendons. The bones provide the body structure but the ligaments and tendons provide the attachments necessary for the muscles to contract and relax.


The illustration above shows a few of the major bones in the human body. The illustration above is of an Appendicular Skeleton.  The appendicular skeleton normally includes the  arms, hands, legs, and feet. The Axial Skeleton (not shown) includes the head, chest, and pelvis. It includes everything except the arms, hands, legs, and feet.

The skeletal system obviously has its own medical terms. The chart below lists the root words for some of the medical terms you’re likely to encounter.

Skeletal System and Joints Root Words
Disk/ointervertebral disk
Lord/ocurve or swayback
Lumb/olumbar region of lower back
Myel/obone marroe
Scoli/ocurvature or crooked
Spondyl/overtebra (conditions of the vertebrae structure)
Ten/o, Tend/o, or Tendin/otendon
Vertebr/overtebra (describing the vertebrae structure)

Get ready! Below is a list of common medical terms you’re likely to encounter for skeletal conditions, diagnoses, treatments, and procedures. We will include a printable version of the list later on this page..

Common Medical Terms Associated With the Skeletal and Joints System
AcetabulumHip joint
Ankulosing spondylitisChronic arthritis with stiffening of the joints.
AnkylosisJoint stiffness
ArthralgiaJoint pain
ArthritisInflammation of a joint
ArthrocentesisSurgical puncture of a joint to aspirate fluid to be diagnosed.
ArthrogramAn x-ray film of a joint
Articular cartilageCartilage that cushions ends of long bones
ArticulationAnother name for joint.
BradykinesiaSlow movement
BursaA sac of fluid at or around a joint
CalciumOne of the mineral components of a bone
Cancellous boneSpongy, porous bone tissue
CarpalsWrist bones
ChiropodistA specialist in diagnosing and treating foot disorders.
ChiropracticsA system of therapy that involves maniuplation of the vertebral column.
ChiropractorA specialist in chiropractics
ChrondromalaciaSoftening of cartilage
Computerized Tomorgraphy (CT)Test to provide accurate definition of bone structure.
Compact boneHard, dense bone tissue
CondyleKnuckle-like process at the end of a bone, near the joint.
DiaphysisMiddle region of a long bone
DyskinesiaDifficult movement
DystrophyAbnormal movement
EpiphysisEnd of a long bone
FissureNarrow opening between bones
FluoroscopyAn examination using a fluoroscope
FontanelleSoft spot. Incomplete closure on infant’s skull sutures
FossaCavity or depression in a bone
Gouty arthritisInflammation of the joints caused by excessive uric acid in the body.
HematopoiesisDevelopment of blood cells in bone marrow
HematopoieticBlood cell forming
HyperkinesiaExcessive movement or overactivity
IntercostalWithin the cranium
KyphosisAbnormal hunch of thoracic spine
LigamentTissue that connects bones to other bones.
Magnetic Resonant Imaging (MRI)Procedure to evaluate soft tissues, ligaments, tendons, muscles, spinal stenosis, and degenerative disk changes.
MandibleUpper jaw
Mastoid processRound projection on the temporal bone behind the ear.
MaxillaLower jaw
MeniscectomyExcision of a meniscus for a torn cartilage in the knee.
OrthopedicsField of medicine that focuses on the study and treatment of the skeletal system.
OrthopedistA specialist in orthopedics
OrthoticsManufacture and fitting of orthopedic appliances used to support, align, or correct deformities.
OssificationProcess of bone formation
OsteoarthritisChronic inflammation of the bones and joints due to degenerative changes in the cartilage.
OsteoblastA bone cell that helps form bone tissue.
OsteoclasisSurgical breaking of a bone to correct a deformity.
OsteoclastA bone cell that removes unwanted bone tissue.
Osteogenic sarcomaMalignant tumor of a bone.
OsteomyelitisInflammation of the bone and marrow due to infection.
OsteopathA specialist in ostopathy
OsteopathyField of medicine that emphasized the relationship between the body organs and the skeletal system.
OsteoplastySurgical repair of a bone
OsteoporosisLoss of bone density
OsteotomyIncision into a bone
PatellaKnee cap
PatellectomyExcision of the knee cap
PeriosteumStrong, fibrous membrane that covers the surface of a bone except at the ends
PhlangesBones of the fingers or toes
PhysisAlso called growth plate (of a long bone)
PodiatristA specialist in foot disorders.
ProsthesisAn artificial replacement for a missing body part.
Rheumatoid arthritisChronic disease with inflamed and painful joints.
RicketsInflammation of the spinal column.
Salter-Harris systemClassification system used to identify bone fracture
ScoliosisAn abnormal curvature of the spine.
Synovial jointsJoints that can move freely.
TendonitisInflammation of a tendon
TenodyniaPain in a tendon
TenorrhapySuturing of a tendon
TenotomyIncision of a tendon
TrochanterLarge process behind the neck of the femur
TubercleSmall, rounded process of a bone
TuberosityLarge rounded process of a bone


The cranium or skull contains the eight cranial bones. These include the frontal bone, two parietal bones, two temporal bones, the occipital bone, the sphenoid bone, and the ethmoid bone.

The facial bones are all joined together except the mandible or lower jaw bone. Other facial bones include two nasal bones, two maxillae bones, two lacrimal bones, two zygomatic bones, two palatine bones, two inferior nasal concha bones, the vomer bone, and the hyoid bone.

The middle ear bones are often overlooked because they’re so tiny. These bones include the malleus, the incus, and the stapes. Obviously there are two pair of each bone, one for each ear.

The vertebral column or spinal column consists of 26 bones segments called vertebrae. The vertebrae are divided into five divisions known as cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and coccyx. The chart below further explains the five divisions of the spinal column

Regions of the Human Spinal Column
Cervical regionLocated in the neck region. There are seven cervical vertebrae numbers from C1 to C7.
Thoracic or Dorsal regionLocated in the chest region. There are 12 thoracic or dorsal vertebrae number from T1 to T12 or D1 to D12.
Lumbar regionLocated between the ribs and the hip bone. There are five lumbar vertebrae number from L1 to L5.
Sacral regionThere are five bones numbers S1 to S5 that are fused together to form the sacrum.
Coccygeal regionIncludes the coccyx which is 4 pieces fused together.

The thorax starts with the collarbone, which is technically called the clavicle The collarbone connects the sternum or breastbone to each shoulder blade (scapula.) Below the thorax are 12 pairs of ribs. These include 7 pairs of ribs directly attached to the sternum, 3 pairs of ‘false ribs,” and 2 pairs of floating ribs.

The hip bone is also called the pelvic girdle. This large bone supports the torso and joins with the femur (thigh bone) and sacrum. An adult pelvic bone consists of three pairs of bones fused together – the ilium, the ischium, and the pubis. The diagram below shows the pelvis of an adult male.


Hands and arms are classified as upper extremities. There are five bones in each arm and 27 bones in each hand. The bones in the arm include the clavicle, the scapula, the humerus, the ulna, and the radius. The bones in the hand include the scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform, trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, and hamate. The bones in the fingers include the metacarpus, proximal phalanges, intermediate phalanges, and distal phalanges. The diagram below shows the bones in a hand.


Since the hands and arms are referred to as the upper extremities, it doesn’t take much to surmise what legs and feet are called. Legs and feet are classified as lower extremities. There are six bones in the leg and 26 bones in each foot. The bones in the leg include the hip bone (consisting of the fused ilium, ischium and pubis), pelvis, femur, patella (knee cap), tibia, and fibula. The bones in the foot include the calcaneus, talus, navicular, medial cuneiform, lateral cuneiform, metatarsus, sesamoid, and cuboid. The bones in the toes include the proximal phalanges, intermediate phalanges, and distal phalanges.

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