Suffixes of Medical Terms

The root words of medical terminology explain the what. Prefixes explain howwhywherehow many,in which positionin which direction, or in which state or condition.  Suffixes explain the procedure,condition, or disease that relates to the root word, which points out the body part.


Medical Terminology – Suffixes
-acpertaining to or related to
-alpertaining to or related to
-algiapain or discomfort
-ateuse or subject ti
-celeprotrusion such as a hernia
-centesiswithdraw or aspirate fluid
-desissurgical binding or fusion
-dyniapain or discomfort
-ectomysurgical removal or cutting out
-emiablood condition
-entperson or agent
-erperson or agent
-esiscondition or or state of
-formresembles, looks like, or shaped like
-genesisbeginng process or origin
-genicproduced by
-gramwritten record
-graphinstrument that records
-graphythe process of recording
-ia or -iasiscondition or or state of
-ismcondition or theory
-istperson or agent
-itycondition or or state of
-izeuse or subject to
-lysisbreakdown, destruction, or separation
-meterinstrument used to measure
-metrythe process of measuring
-oidresembles, looks like, or shaped like
-ologythe study of
-osiscondition or or state of
-ostomyartificial surgical opening
-otomysurgical procedure to cut or incise
-ouspertaining to or related to
-pexissurgical fixation
-pexysurgical fixation
-phagia or -phagyeating
-phobiafear of
-plasiadevelopment or formation
-plastyreconstruction or reshaping
-poiesismanufacture or production of
-rrhage or -rrhagiasuturing in place or fixation
-rrheaflow or discharge
-rrhexisrupture or separation
-scopeinstrument used to examine
-scopythe process of examining
-siscondition or or state of
-spasminvoluntary or unexpected
-ticpertaining to or related to
-tioncondition or or state of
-trophicdevelopment or growth
-trophydevelopment or growth
-ucondition or or state of


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