Lumen Learning’s mission is to enable unprecedented learning for all students. Lumen Learning does this by providing tools and services to support effective teaching and learning practices. Lumen Learning is trying to build more effective learners and more impactful teachers – because both are essential to improve student success.
Since its origin in 2012, Lumen Learning has been a leader innovating in how to use Open Educational Resources (OER) to strengthen learning and improve student success. We use OER not only because it dramatically improves the cost of learning materials, but also because it affords permissions to revise, remix, and improve course materials. As we make improvements term after term, we test how effectively they support learning, so we can make them better and better over time.
In eleven separate research studies published in peer-reviewed journals, which include over 48,000 college and university students, 93% of students whose faculty assigned OER in place of commercial textbooks received final course grades that were the same or higher than control students using commercial textbooks.
Lumen Courseware: Lumen’s affordable course materials are designed to strengthen learning using open educational resources (OER). They provide high quality, interactive learning content, online homework, and personalized feedback to help them study and learn more effectively, with plenty of opportunities to engage students in active learning. Lumen applies learning science principles and analyze learning data to identify where students struggle and make targeted improvements that strengthen learning.
Lumen Circles Professional Development Programs: Effective learning means supporting not only students, but also faculty to be their best. With Lumen Circles, professional development experiences are offered that use virtual communities of practice to connect faculty members with peers and help them hone their expertise as student-centered teachers. Grounded in evidence-based teaching practices and self-reflection, Lumen Circles work well for any faculty member, in any discipline, and at any stage of career – regardless of whether they use Lumen courseware.