Design Thinking: Generating Ideas, Stories and Prototypes

Course Level 3: Advanced

Estimated Study Time: 2-3 hours

Offered by: Alison

The course begins by introducing you to methods used by designers for generating ideas. You will learn about the top 5 idea generating techniques such as brainstorming and how they work. You will learn about bundling your ideas together and creating a concept. 

Next, you will be introduced to the storytelling approach to design. You will learn about creating storyboards to visualize your concept and how storyboards can help you with the design process. Finally, you will learn about prototyping, what it is and how it helps your design development. You will learn about paper prototyping and how helpful it is as part of the design process.

This course will be of great interest to professionals working in the areas of product and service design and who would like to learn more about generating ideas, stories and prototypes as part of the design process.

Prerequisites: Before attempting this course you should complete the courses ‘Introduction to Design Thinking and People Centered Design’ and ‘Design Thinking: Design Research and Analysis’.

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