Tricky American English Pronunciation – Free Coursera Course

Free Online Course Title: Tricky American English Pronunciation

Free Online Course Offered by: University of California, Irvine

Approximate Time To Complete Course: 17 hours

Student Outcome After Completing Course: 40% started a new career

Student Outcome After Completing Course: 38% received a tangible career benefit

Student Outcome After Completing Course: 38% received a pay raise or promotion

In this course, you’ll practice the sounds of American English that might sometimes be confusing. You’ll practice both consonant and vowel sounds. You’ll also learn about the things that give English its special “music,” such as how to stress the right syllable in a word, how to make your voice go up and down in a natural-sounding melody, and how to naturally connect sounds and words. Learning these things will help you speak more clearly and make sure that others can understand what you’re saying.

This course is useful for English language learners who want to improve pronunciation of American English for better communication. Note that access to all of the lectures and handouts are free to anyone, but the graded assignments and quizzes are only available in the paid version of the course. You will need to submit recordings of your own pronunciation for graded assignments.

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