Applied Psychology – Understanding Consumer Attitudes

Course Level 3: Advanced

Estimated Study Time: 3-4 hours

Offered by: Alison

Learn about the importance of understanding consumer attitudes for creating effective marketing strategies. For a marketer, consumer attitudes reflect a consistent favorable or unfavorable feeling that a consumer has after evaluating a product/service offering, brand, price etc. By understanding the dynamics behind consumer attitudes marketers can design marketing strategies that positively influence consumers towards the product/service offering, brand, price etc.

The course starts by introducing you to the nature and functions of attitudes in general and how researchers have described four structural models of attitudes. Attitudes cannot be directly measured so the course then describes the techniques and procedures of accurately measuring consumer attitudes using qualitative and quantitative methods.

You will then learn how attitudes are formed and what factors influence attitudes enough to change them. You will learn about the two main theories that have been developed to explain how and why attitudes change, and you will learn how marketers can use this information to design marketing strategies that positively influence consumers’ attitudes.

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