
Choking is quite common. It’s not usually difficult to spot someone who’s choking. In most cases the person is able to dislodge the item without assistance. Before you assume a person needs help, simply ask. If the person is conscious ask, “Are you choking?” In today’s litigation-happy world, you might be sued if you act on your own and try to save someone from choking without his or her permission.

The technique used for choking varies depending on the age of the victim. You obviously can’t lay a 300-pound man over your knee like you can a 15-pound infant.

We’ve included separate lessons for choking techniques used with the three main age groups:


children between 1 and 8 years old

adults/children over 8.


We also offer a free certificate of completion. To receive the certificate you must pass a 50-question test with a score of 70 or higher. Check our Basic First Aid Certificate of Completion page for more information.

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