Learn English: Adjectives and Adjective Clauses – Free Coursera Course

Free Online Course Title: Learn English: Adjectives and Adjective Clauses

Free Online Course Offered by: University of California, Irvine

Approximate Time To Complete Course: 19 hours

Course Level: Intermediate

Student Outcome After Completing Course: 60% started a new career

Student Outcome After Completing Course: 62% received a tangible career benefit

Student Outcome After Completing Course: 25% received a pay raise or promotion

This is the first second in the Learn English: Intermediate Grammar specialization. Being able to adeptly use adjective clauses in speaking and writing is useful for upper level English learners. Adjectives and adjective clauses are very common in English, so students need to be able to understand them when they see them or hear them. Students often struggle to bring complexity to their speaking and writing and adjective clauses can be a great way to do this.

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